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Journal 17: Chapter 10 Pre-reading Activities

When I hear the phrase "research essay" what comes in mind is an essay that has a lot of information about a specific topic or situation. The writer trying to convince it's audience about their topic. Usually a research essay is four to five pages long, maybe even longer depending on how much information you have on plan to include. It is kind of difficult to decide what type of information to put in because all information can be used. The only time I have used a research form for any essay would have to be for school. I have not used it for anything else except school, and that is because it is for a grade and i am required to. I have mixed emotions, I sometimes do and do not like to do research for my essays. I think it depends what type of topic you chose and how much information you have or found. I think what people find enjoyable about a research essay is the way you put information into the essay to support your claim and try to convince you audience.

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