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Journal 3: Personal Essay Pre-reading

Step One: I believe I have written more than one personal essay but I only remember one particular essay that I wrote in middle school, it was about me and my family. In my opinion "personal" is something that you have experienced first hand or your personal observations. Something that has happened to you personally, as an individual, and no one else. Private is different from personal because private are things you don't want other to know or things you're not comftorable sharing. The experiences that I had writing them is pretty easy because its like taking a flashback and going through every detail and remembering what happened. People write and read personal essays because they are interested in the writers story and they have experienced what they are reading in their own life. What I like about reading personal essays is that you get to know the writer a little bit more, by the way they express about how they felt or went through.

Step two: Writing a personal essay may help me write an academic essay because in both types of essays you reflect, evaluate and explain.

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