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Journal 2: A Goal

Survey Analysis: With my partner we discussed about ho we need to work on our introductions and have better outlines for our essays. My partner had difficulties getting ideas for her essays while I had difficulties starting my essay. We both came into conclusion that it would be better if we fast write and see what we get from there.

Personal Analysis: One of my biggest challenge as a writer would have to be starting my introduction. I don't have much problems starting with my body and conclusion as I do with the other. I find it hard trying to come up with an interesting first sentence, one in which it'll capture the readers attention. Another challenge would have to be to give myself as much time to do my essay properly and have them finished before the due date. My goals to overcome these challenges would have to be to practice different ways to start an introduction and to work on my essays once a day at least thirty minutes to an hour.

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